Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dinner...and a Murder

Well tonite I had my Murder Mystery Dinner at Blue Hens for Christ. It was actually kinda a weird night. Last years was better...but it wasnt bad. The theme was medieval. It was kinda good...I good do what I do best...and that was act...or lie...its one of those two. If you've never been to one or dont know what they are...basically you dress up going with the theme, and ur given a role that you have to play with hints..clues...guidelines...and background information. Someone dies...and u have to figure out who done it. I didnt kill someone...but I also didnt figure out who did it. Some people that were supposed to be there and had some influentally parts so we didnt get that info. I did take along time however 7-11.

Earlier in the day, I went out with my dad for breakfast...we dont get a lot of time to spend together, so I figured that was nice. Afterwards we dropped off yard waste, and then I washed my car for the first time. It didnt really need it, but I kinda wanted to show my parents that I care about this car. Man did it sparkle. I then met up with Pastor Ben. We went up to pick up the special speaker for tomorrow's morning service. Real nice guy. He's the National Youth Director of the Assembly of God in Bangladesh and it was pretty cool to get the know the guy for a couple of hours. One of his bags didnt come in, so we had to file a claim. But it was weird cuz one of the workers came up to us and was like...what church do u guys go to? Afterwards we got talking and I felt we really made an impact on his life. If the speaker's bag didnt show up...this guy never would have met us. Divine Appointment. Anyway...thats all I got. Youth Day tomorrow...should be a good day.

Have fun...Be safe...and Enjoy life


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