Monday, January 26, 2009

Psychic Proportions ive been trying forever now to publish this post and have finally gotten to it.

Currently on TV, there are 2 shows that seem very similar. You have all those crimes shows out there: CSI, CSI: New York, CSI: Miami, NCIS. It started with CSI, and all those other ones were soon to follow. Well now there is a new "model" series: Psych. If you have ever seen this show, you know how good it is. It combines great humor, with the classic mystery. But now there is another show taking the same type of style, called The Mentalist. This show adds a little bit more seriousness. But both shows take the same principle. There is one guy, who is a very good observer, which causes him to solve crimes. Plain and simple. I love both of these shows. But they both get you thinking: if I only looked around at my surrounding just a little bit more, would i be able to figure more things out?

So we are now 3 weeks through 24, a total of 6 hours gone in the day. The one hour shows definetly dont have enough to them. It is so hard to watch the one hour show after the two hour ones. But so far 24 has been the best yet. Lots of new twists and turns every week. It always leaves me satisfied, smiling, and wanting more (that's what she said...haha).

Movie Review of the Week: John Q

This movie was not too bad. I enjoyed it. The beginning was a little boring, and it was kind of hard to tell where the movie was actually going. All in all this movie has a really good message: You will do anything for those that you love.

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